Any 2 f:ocus f:lex items of your choice
You may choose 2 of the same item
Or 2 different items from the range
UK: Packaging & delivery INCLUDED
Outside UK: £35 shipping APPLIES
Choose 2 from:
f:lextab (flex tabbed cheek retractor)
f:rame (occlusal + quadrant retractor)
ref:lect (occlusal + quadrant mirror)
sof:touch (black silicone contraster)
Important: Once ordered, no refunds or returns can be provided. Customers are responsible for care and maintenance of their accessories and replacement/refunds will not be provided due to loss or damage. The ref:lect mirror comes with an anti-scratch coating, however NO photographic mirror can be made 100% scratch resistant due to the nature of sterilisation. Download the care leaflet provided and print out a copy for your member of staff responsible for daily sterilisation & packaging of dental equipment.